Home > Air Quality Tools
Simulated Air Impact Review (sAIR)
sAIR is an innovative tool that automates air quality impact assessments to meets regulatory impact assessment requirements needed for actions (e.g., MILCON) to proceed and enhances data driven decision making capability.
Air Conformity Applicability Model (ACAM)
ACAM is a computer model developed for evaluating environmental impacts under a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assessment or a General Conformity Determination.
Air Program Information Management System (APIMS)
APIMS is the U.S. Air Force's authorized, web-based air quality management system designed for storing, managing, and tracking air quality data.
Construction Phase Duration & Date Estimator
The Construction Phase Duration & Date Estimator assists in determining the length of the different phases of construction when only the start and end date of the entire construction project are known.
Prescribed Fire Emissions Estimator
The Prescribed Fire Emissions Estimator assists in calculating criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas air emissions associated with prescribed burns.