Air Conformity Applicability Model (ACAM)
The Air Force's Air Conformity Applicability Model (ACAM) is an air emissions estimating model that performs an analysis
to assess the potential air quality impacts associated with an Air Force action (e.g., MILCON) in accordance with the
Air Force Instruction 32-7040, Clean Air Act (CAA Section 176(c)), Air Quality Compliance And Resource Management; the
Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP, 32 CFR 989); and the General Conformity Rule (GCR, 40 CFR 93 Subpart B).
The ACAM model estimates air emissions for activities associated with the proposed action and performs an analysis
against regulatory thresholds; standardizing/simplifying methodologies across the AF and greatly reducing cost.
Fill out this form and email to to sign up for available ACAM training:
March 4th-6th 2025 (0/12 Available), &
Aug. 5th-7th 2025 (12/12 Available)
Current ACAM Version: 5.0.23a
AF Evaluated Products List Approval Letter (AF EPL)
Letter authorizing the use ACAM on standard desktop systems connected to the AF Network (AFNET) and AF SIPRNet and placed on the AF Evaluated Products List (AF EPL).
ACAM - System Authorization Access Request (SAAR)
ACAM DD Form 2875 System Authorization Access Request
Available to all DoD Employees and Air Quality support contractors. Must be completed and processed to obtain a copy of ACAM.
ACAM DD Form 2875 System Authorization Access Request Instructions and Explaination document.
Official ACAM End Use License Agreement (EULA).
ACAM - Quick Start Guide (Unavailable; being revised)
The ACAM Quick Start Guide provides an overview of ACAM's tools and assists the user in the operating process to create an ACAM emissions analysis report.